January-May 2025
This term, we're launching a new course and offering our tried-and-true, well loved Spark your Writing sessions. We'll take a break in April, then complete the term in May with a small-sized weekend writing retreat. If you're interested in our workshops (not yet scheduled) "What's your Story?" and "Spark your Life Story", please email us.

we're excited about this new course
Writing for Pleasure: playing with form and language
This course is about revision and editing through experimentation and improvisation. You will be guided in re/viewing and re/presenting a piece of your own writing to infuse it with new energy and depth, and you will gain confidence exercising your fluency and flexibility as a writer. By reworking an existing piece of your writing in a variety of new forms, you will explore how one story (in any genre) can change when presented in a new shape or structure. We will also play with the piece at the language level—word choice, phrasing, sentence structure, voice, tone, style, etc. as a way of investigating precision, nuance, and specificity in your writing. This is a hands-on class comprised of formal teaching paired with learning by doing during class time and through homework. Conversation will be encouraged. Site: McNally community classroom. Days: Four Friday mornings in February. Register with McNally here.
January 19, 26 & February 2, 9
Spark your Writing 1
Fuel your writing practice with a weekly prompt sent to your email inbox on a specific day, followed later in the week by a collaborative, supportive conversation with a small cohort of enthusiastic and committed writers just like you. You will be inspired by reading your work aloud and by receiving constructive and encouraging feedback. All new sparks for Winter 2025. Register with us via the Course Calendar tab.

February 23 & March 2, 9, 16
Spark your Writing 2
Spark 2 continues on from Spark 1 with writing on your own to the sparks you receive by email, then reading aloud in the group; the difference is that Spark 2 incorporates a focus on the writing process and different writing forms. All new sparks for Winter 2025. NOTE: Spark 1 is the pre-requisite for Spark 2. Register with us via the Course Calendar tab.
May 30, 31 & June 1
Weekend Writing Retreat
A weekend writing retreat in the city: a Friday evening gathering, with sessions over Saturday & Sunday. Not fancy, just a focus on Life Writing with others, in a Winnipeg setting, for fun and creative time together. Email us to ask questions. Register with us via the Course Calendar tab.