From Page
to Stage
Writers want to be read. Writers need to find readers. One way is by being published. Another way is to put our words out into the world by performing them in front of a live audience. This means taking our work from page to stage...
An intrepid group of writers has joined together to see where our creative energies can take us. If it all comes together, we hope to perform for an invited audience in early summer 2025.
Email us if you're interested in following our progress.
From Page to Stage
... is underway. Who knows where we'll end up? Only time will tell...

We are meeting and creating over the winter. We'll know more as the spring thaw arrives and our collective efforts bring something to fruition. But we don't yet know just what that will be...

Genre focus: Creative nonfiction / memoir / autofiction
Schedule: Meetings and collaborations...
Format: In-person or by Zoom TBD by the group members
Project group size: 8 maximum
Project lead: Amanda Le Rougetel